About Us
XinFuCheng ShenZhen Electronics Co.,Ltd. is one the Professional spring contact probe maker in China.Founded in 2004 in Shenzhen,China.We manufacture over 1,000 products with the highest quality and reliability in the maketplace.
We own CNC lathe machines,assembly facilities and completed inspection equipments in our production line.All procedures are carefully handled by our expert technicians-from design to precision tooling,molding and assembling.what we manufactured varied modes with stable quality and rapid delivery,also custom-mode specification is available and accepted.We can design and develop your new products and custom designs are wecome,too.
Spring Contact probes are widely used in the testing or inspection especially like PCB Industry,Electronic Industry.IC industry even mobile Phone Industry etc.,Through continuously research,deveopment and effect,our quality was almos same as foreign probe makers and having won the customers confidence & trust.Allof our effort and all of our focus is aimed at increasing your yields.
Contact Us
+86-0755 81739711- +0086-13902448039
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